Specialist Education Programme 2025/26 Curriculum

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Feedback, comments and complaints

How to give feedback, comments or make a complaint

Supportive Care UK Ltd is committed to delivering safe, high-quality, cost-effective healthcare. We therefore appreciate all feedback regarding the care and service that you, your family or others experience. The guidance below explains how we deal with concerns or complaints you may wish to raise.

Guidance to making a complaint

If possible, please tell us of your concerns as soon as possible. You can do this in the following way:

1 - Complete a comment form


2 - Speak to a member of the SCUK team
Please ask to speak to them directly if you experience any issues – they are always happy to help. Email info@supportive.care or phone 0161 413 8230

3 - Send a written complaint
Complaints can be sent in writing directly to the Chief Executive at Supportive Care UK Ltd, Southgate 2 319 Wilmslow Road, Cheadle, SK8 3PW