Specialist Education Programme 2025/26 Curriculum

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Clinical supervision

However good your clinical staff are at their jobs, supporting them to develop their knowledge and skills can only improve outcomes, for them and their patients. Our clinical supervision service provides one-to-one continuous professional development, to help doctors and ANPs operate at the top of their licence.

Why you might need us

It can be hard for medical staff to discuss personal goals or challenges, or raise gaps in their knowledge, alongside their day-to-day colleagues. And the pace of change within palliative care means that even the best clinicians may need help staying up to speed. If you’re not able to provide these opportunities, you’re limiting their and your unit’s potential.

What we offer

Our clinical supervision service offers regular one-to-one sessions with one of our expert consultants, away from the stresses and strains of the frontline. They will act as a coach, mentor and sounding board, giving guidance and support on everything from career development and future pathways to specific tasks or cases. This will help your clinicians grow into leadership roles, and bring their increased knowledge and confidence back into the team.

What you will get from us

Partnering with us for your clinical supervision will help you:

Create a safe space for your clinicians to discuss their goals, priorities and fears
Provide a support mechanism for any struggling members of your team
Develop and empower more confident and committed clinicians
Reduce the risk of clinical incidents as your team become more skilled
Gain a reputation for wellbeing and CPD, supporting recruitment and retention
Deepen the levels of trust between your team and SCUK consultants
Engage and motivate your clinicians to pursue their professional goals
Having access to such experienced and eminent palliative care consultants brings real benefits for our staff and patients, and gives our management team peace of mind. I would highly recommend Supportive Care UK to other hospices.
Viv Culleton, CEO, Halton Haven Hospice

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Your partner in Clinical supervision

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