Specialist Education Programme 2025/26 Curriculum

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Daytime board rounds

Discussion and review of cases are critical to the work of any palliative care unit, both for improving patient outcomes and creating learning opportunities. But if you don’t have a consultant to carry out this role, it can leave your clinical teams exposed. Our daytime board round service is a innovative, cost-effective way to support and enhance your patient care.

Why you might need us

Palliative care cases can be complex; and when things change quickly on the ground, there isn’t always enough time for in-depth reflection. So it’s important to create a space in the week to review individual cases, with consultant-level input. If you don’t have that provision, we can help.

What we offer

Our daytime board round model creates a dedicated time for your multi-disciplinary team to review their cases and complexities, supported by an SCUK consultant. They usually take place weekly,  with the same consultant, so they can follow the patient through their care and spot any gaps in provision. Where possible, they include a Q and A session, allowing your team to learn by exploring what-ifs and alternative solutions for specific cases.

What you will get from us

Partnering with us for your daytime board rounds will give your team:

A quality-assured process for reviewing your cases
A fixed time to come together for team discussion
A safe space to learn from decisions made on the ground
Time and space to agree action plans and alternatives
Increased confidence in their clinical skills
Continuity of care, building supportive relationships
A bank of data and reporting about each and every case
Weekly governance from our Quality Assurance Committee
My team and I are very proud of the innovative approach we have taken to providing end-of-life care with a difference, in line with the NHS 10-year plan. Working with Supportive Care UK gives me the reassurance that my team have the support they need, when they need it, which in turn means our patients are getting the best possible care.
Val Stangoe, CEO, St Mary’s Hospice

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Your partner in Daytime board rounds

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