Specialist Education Programme 2025/26 Curriculum

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Second-on-call consultant support

The nationwide shortfall in experienced palliative care specialists has left many hospices and hospitals struggling to fill their rotas. But without access to consultant-level support and advice patients are put at risk, and units can’t function properly. Our second-on-call consultant support model has been designed to take these fears away.

Why you might need us

If an urgent or complex situation arises at a time when you don’t have a consultant on-site or on-call, your clinical team won’t have anyone to refer up to for advice and support. That may mean they struggle to make confident, timely decisions, and so may escalate the case too quickly – or too late.

What we offer

Our consultant support model gives your clinical team access to one or more of our experienced, palliative care consultants, whenever they need it. Our specialists can provide both out of hours and daytime on-call, offering practical advice on what action to take in response to the immediate situation, backed with robust documentation, follow up and governance. Over time, they will build trusted relationships with your team, empowering them to make better clinical decisions.

What you will get from us

Partnering with us for your second-on-call care will give your team:

A safe, quality-assured solution to gaps in your consultant rota
Consistent advice from experts who know what to ask
Confirmation of your clinical team’s accurate decision-making
Alternative advice and action plans for more complex cases
Increased confidence, boosted by on-the-spot teaching
Continuity of care, building supportive relationships
A bank of data and reporting about each and every case
Weekly governance from our Quality Assurance Committee
I would encourage anyone struggling with supportive and palliative care medical cover to contact Supportive Care UK. You will not regret it.
Val Stangoe, CEO, St Mary’s Hospice

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Your partner in Second-on-call consultant support

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